Update date & time: Apr-27th-2020 14:15
Datasheet Image ModelNo. Manufacturer Products Lamp Shape Wavelength (nM) Lamp Length (mm) Lamp Power Consumption (W) Lamp Current (mA) UV Irradiance (uW/cm2) UV Radiant Flux (W) Ozone Amount (mg/h) Lifetime (Hrs) Mercury Inclusion*3 Country of origin Group
UW/15F92V/9 Stanley WH Assy with Quartz tube Compact 254 150 3.1 15 6.5 0.6 0 50,000 Included Japan S54
UC/4F84V/3 Stanley WH Assy Compact 254 150 3.1 15 6.5 0.6 0 50,000 Included Japan S54
UC/4F75V/Z Stanley Lamp Compact 254 150 3.1 15 6.5 0.6 0 50,000 Included Japan S54